Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Kim K is Cray Cray!

Just in case you were pinned beneath a giant rock yesterday and didn't hear the big news -- Kim Kardashian filed for divorce from Kris Humphries!!!!

What...a shocker.  

If you saw their 'fairytale wedding special' on E, you are probably not shocked at all.  Anyone with half a brain could have seen that the marriage had no chance of lasting... I mean they weren't even speaking to each other at their rehearsal dinner.  They fought about anything and everything: his dogs, Kim not changing her last name, Kris fighting with members of the Kardashian family, Kim being too materialistic, etc. etc.... I'm not a marriage expert, but these are probably problems that should have been rectified prior to the big day.  

I'm wondering if Kim doesn't really understand what marriage is.  72 days later and she's like eh, this isn't for me, I guess I'll just get a divorce.  Trying not to judge, but REALLY?  Haha.

The Couple in Happier Times...

I'm wondering if the marriage/divorce was all for ratings and publicity or if was actually real love.  We may never know...

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